Forest County Humane Society
Non-Municipal Humane Society of Forest County, WI
Speak For Those That Have No Voice
I am releasing the Forest County Humane Society located at 701 Industrial Parkway, Crandon, WI 54520 and any staff, volunteer, or person on the premises from any liability for being on the premises and receiving vaccinations etc. at this location. This includes any side effects, allergic reactions, fever, any adverse reactions in any way… anything that may result in veterinary care or not. The FCHS, staff and volunteers, and manufacturers of the vaccines are not responsible for any damages of any kind. I am on the premises and getting my animal [s] vaccinated at my own free will and accept any consequences of doing so as my responsibility. I am aware there are live animals on the premises, and I will not hold the FCHS, staff, volunteers etc. responsible for anything that may occur to me or my pet including any damages, wounds or even death. The Forest County Humane Society and all parties involved will be held harmless to all consequences. I agree to have any images published that I may be in. I agree to these terms by signing below.